
Showing posts from August, 2019

Side effect of alcohol

SIDE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL Alcohol effect on various parts of your body like heart , liver, brain pancreas etc.  Which is harmful for your health.consuming alcohol on daily basis or in large amount of alcohol consumption is very dangerous.  Here we will tell you side effects of alcohol on body:- side effects of alcohol:- Alcohol damage your internal organs. Side effects work slowly inside as well as outside of your body. If your are suffering from vomiting , less memory , blurred vision , slowly heart rate, Depression can be side effects. Alcohol weaks your immune system. Alcohol effect your liver , heart, brain , pancreas. So do consultant your doctor.  Disclaimer : This content don't want to hurt anyone's feel. This content don't provide scientific reason. Please consult your doctor. This blog does not claim responsibility  for this information

How to over come from depression

HOW TO OVER COME FROM DEPRESSION Before this we have to understand what are the causes of depression we don't know exactly facts about depression but there may have these things. Here are some factors which causes depression. Personal reasons - If you live in negative environment like abusive , alcoholic  member in your family. Stress - If you work in office where you take to much stress can cause depression  Family - If you are facing bad relationship with you partner. Or facing bad financial period can be reason of depression.  Alcohol - consuming alcohol can be reason of depression because you don't have control on your body. Some people think  taking alcohol help them forgot to  there pain but this is most foolish people do. so consultant your doctor talk to people more. Here are tips to over come depression:- Exercise regularly this will keep your mind healthy. Eat healthy  Make your self bus...

Benefits of Cycling

BENEFITS OF CYCLING?  cycling helps to make your body fit as well your mind it reduces your stress level, makes joints healthy , anxiety etc. Here are some beneficial tips of cycling . Cycling is good for your heart . It helps to reduce heart desises. and helps the flow of blood. Cycling don't require more time you can  ride cycle while going to work , school , park  Riding  Cycle is also good for environment use cycle more instead of other vehicle. Cycle make your body fit. Cycling increase your stamina. Any group of age person can ride cycle. Good for immune system.