How To Control Cholesterol?
To much cholesterol is bad for health do
you know how much?
Before this we have to know about cholesterol and how this occurs ? how this effects our body ?
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat like substance that found in all cell of your body. Produced in your liver. Which is find in foods like butter, ghee, cheese , egg yolk , fish.
Cholesterol is very important for body. and also a major problem when level of cholesterol is high
Cholesterol is very common in people which increases the heart disease.
There are two types of cholesterol
- Good cholesterol.
- Bad cholesterol.
- Good cholesterol - Carry bad cholesterol for disposal and stop from building up in arteries.
- Bad cholesterol - stick to arteries and narrow the arteries which causes disease.
Take these foods to control cholesterol.
- Oats - Take 1 bowl daily in breakfast will help you to improve cholesterol.
- Fruits - Fruits have all important nutrients to control cholesterol.
- Vegetables oil - Use vegetables oil like sunflowers instead of butter and cheese.
- Nuts - Eating almonds, peanuts, walnuts is good for heart.
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