
Showing posts from 2018

How to have healthy hair

Tips for healthy hair Are you facing hair damage problem? Before this, First we have to understand. why ? hair fall occurs there are few reasons. Lack of vitamin. Don't use harsh chemical products. Lack of hormone. Accessive use of smoking. Combing wet hair. Here are few tips to have healthy hair:- Always be heydrated - Drink 6- 8 glass of water daily. Avoid alcohol - If you have hair fall so avoid Alcohol. Alcohol increases hair fall. and stop the growth of hair . Combing wet hair - when hair are wet they are in weak state so avoid combing wet hair or you can use broad teeth comb. Eat healthy - consume healthy food which should be rich in vitamin which will be healthy for your hair as well as good for your body. Avoid harsh chemicals product - Harsh chemicals can damage your hair seriously . So try not to use them .  Give us your reply article benefical or not 

How to keep liver healthy?

Many of peoples in our society are suffering from liver weakness Do you ever think why is happens ? Everything you eat , drink , or medicine pass through liver.   Eat healthy food - Do not eat high calorie food , Saturated fat , high carbs.   Maintain your weight - Avoid junk food , oily food , oily food effect on our heart       also    Avoid alcohol - Alcohol damages our liver very badly. Alcohol destroys liver cell.   Antibiotic mecidines - Taking antibiotic medicines for to long time or in large amount from the prescribe amount. Effects liver.

How to lose weight

Do you facing problem losing weight? You don't have to worry. Just say these words to yourself "I CAN Do IT" NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Your willpower increase and you will achieve your weight goals. Always be positive. Here I will tell you some important reason for not  achieving / problems you face and how to achieve weight goals. Reasones for not achieving / problems you face . No willpower. Thinking about people what they will say. Not positive from inside. Giving up nature. Lack of self confidence.  Lack of interest.                                                      Laziness.                                                              ...

How to increase stamina ?

How to increase stamina? Stamina is strength or energy which is needed  for the body. there are different methods to increase stamina like exercise , physical activities.  Methods to increase stamina   Healthy diet - Take healthy diet like eat nut , almonds , walnuts , vegetables. To maintain energy take small meals.  Exercise - Doing exercise will be very helpful. Exercise increase energy level for a long period. Physical activities - Activities like doing cycling, running, play sports. These activities helps your hearts and lungs for supply of oxygen. Stay hydrated - Drink water daily in proper amount. Water helps body from disease and also helps for stamina. Rest - while exercise and physical activities are important. Rest is also very important for our body in this a good sleep is very necessary it helps our body to recover take atleast 6 to 7 hours of sleep. Stay active - Al...

How heart attack comes

How heart attack comes   ? Heart attack occur  when the flow of oxygen to heart muscle suddenly  becomes blocked and heart cannot get oxygen. In this condition a waxy substance plaque build inside the coronary arteries. Symptoms If a person feel pain in cheast , pressure , tightness, that spreads neck , jaw can be a sign of heart attack . Sign of heart attack Vomiting  Cheast pain                                                              Coughing.                                                                      Uneveness in chest                      ...

How To Control Cholesterol?

To much cholesterol is bad for health do  you know how much? Before this we have to know about cholesterol and how this occurs ? how this effects our body ? Cholesterol is a waxy, fat like substance that found in all cell of your body. Produced in your liver. Which is find in foods like butter, ghee, cheese , egg yolk , fish.  Cholesterol is very important for body. and also a major problem when level of cholesterol is high  Cholesterol is very common in people which increases the heart disease.  There are two types of cholesterol Good cholesterol. Bad cholesterol . Good cholesterol - Carry bad cholesterol for disposal and stop from building up in arteries.                                                                   Bad cholesterol - stick to arter...

How To Get Relief Form knee pain?

How To Get Relief From Knee Pain Now a days Knee pain seems very common in many people either older or adults. It can be a long term or short term problem. Why knee pain happens   ? There are certain reason why this  problem is common in most of the people. Increase weight. Injury at knee. Sitting for long time at a place. Walking too long.  Fracture. Out of alignment. Weak thigh muscles. Accident. These are reasons for knee pain. Now we will talk how to get relief from knee pain. Rest - Give proper rest to your knee for few days. so that your knee will be able to recover.                                                                     Iceing - Iceing on bones or muscles for 2- 3 day. 20 to 30 minutes this help you. many athletes asl...
How To Boost up Testosterone Testosterone is a male harmone that regulates metabolism, sex organs and body functions and controls male physical features. testosterone level depends upon different lifestyle like exercise and sleep and stress. Testosterone production declines by age  Here are some tips to boost up Testosterone. Manage your diet                                                    Manage your nutrition                                         Eat fruits and vegetables .                                    Exercise regularly.                          ...

Effects of oversleeping on our body

           Effects of over sleeping                    On our body   A good sleep is essential for our health. But  oversleeping may increase problem for body.  Too much sleeping is more than 9 hours that can be harmful for our body. A good night sleep is good for health. oversleep can make you lazy. So you can not complete you important work on time.      Effects of oversleeping on our body Headaches - People who sleep more during day time and disrupt there night sleep cause headache.                                                          Backpain - roughly oversleeping can cause backpain.                            ...

How much water a day ?

                                              How much water a day?   Water is most important substance for our body. Our body is made up 55% to 70% of water. Do we drink enough water which is essential for our body to full it's need?  Here are some information how much water you have to drink to stay fit and healthy. It depends on different factors like on your diet, exercise, health, weight or in which type of climate conditions you are living. Adult male should drink approx. - 12 to 13 glass of water                                                         Adult female should drink approx. - 9 to 10 glass of water.                  ...

Benefits of doing Exercise

You know exercise is good for you, but do you know how good? Exercise will increase your strength and keep your body fit as well as your brain Here are some tips Reduces stress level Increase stamina  Make body fit. Helps to reduce weight Good for body and mind Gives you confidence If you have any queries ask in comment box.